Top YouTube Channels in Mexico
The Top Channels in Mexico
In March 2025, Fede Vigevani (@fedevigevani) channel snatched the 1ts place in Mexico with 65.2M subscribers. Their videos gained 9M views, 501.4K likes, and 42.5K comments.
YOLO AVENTURAS (@yoloaventuras) ranked 2nd on the list with 60.4M subscribers. The channel’s videos collected 1.4M views, 1.8K comments, and 48.4K likes in the previous month.
YouTuber Mikecrack (@mikecrack) secured the 3rd place in Mexico with 55.1M subscribers. The YouTuber’s videos generated 586K views, 34.3K likes, and 824 comments.
52.8M subscribers took JuegaGerman (@juegagerman) to 4th place on our top list. As for engagement metrics, the channel’s videos were watched 2.3M times and got 94.2K likes and 3K comments.
49.6M people have subscribed to Bad Bunny (@badbunnypr). The channel’s content triggered 11.7M views, 223.3K likes, and 9.7K comments.
FAQ - The Most Popular Channels in Mexico
Which channel is the most popular in Mexico?
What are the top 5 channels with the most subscribers in Mexico?
The top 5 channels in the Mexico are:
Badabun (@badabunoficial) with 47.7M subscribers
Juan De Dios Pantoja (@juandediospantojaa) with 45.8M subscribers
Luisito Comunica (@luisitocomunica) with 44.2M subscribers
TheDonato (@thedonato) with 42.4M subscribers
Karla Bustillos (@karlabustillos) with 41.1M subscribers
Check back next month to see who achieved the highest position on our channel ranking in Mexico.